Are you looking for the latest web design ideas and points of inspiration?

Let’s take a look at some of the key web design trends for 2021 so you can achieve a winning website this year.

1. Designs that are easy on the user.

With so much competition among businesses online, it’s tempting to go with a garish colour scheme that really catches the eye. However, be careful, as this approach can really put customers off.

One of the key web design tips for this year is to deploy colours and textures that are easy on the eye, providing a more relaxed experience for users in the often hectic online marketplace.

2. Embracing new formats of information delivery, with caution.

There are lots of exciting new ways to deliver information online these days, and you should embrace them, but proceed with caution.

One example of this is the parallax scroll animation that reveals text in a programmable sequence. While this is a great way to engage visitors, it should be used sparingly, as an overload can be distracting and may even be harmful to people with vestibular disorders.

Galleries, “Read More” buttons, and horizontal scrolling arrows also help users to get more from your website. However, remember that the most important information needs to be front and centre on your page and should not be hidden in these scrolling/navigation features.

3. Visuals in the third dimension.

3D visuals bring your page to life. As a tasteful contrast against the more muted colour schemes and textures mentioned above, these visuals provide an engaging and exciting experience for those who visit your website.

Image by Gerd Altmann

Modern 3D rendering techniques put spellbinding visuals within the grasp of all business owners. Consider the 3D approach as you develop your website, and think about how this could set your business apart from competitors online.

4. Taking cues from retro and vintage.

Style and design work in cycles. What was once considered to be out of fashion is now de rigeur, and vice versa.

With this in mind, it’s no surprise that one of the key design trends in 2021 is retro- and vintage-inspired fonts.

You’ll notice this trend whenever you browse online over the coming months, and you may gain some inspiration in how you want to implement these fonts within your own web design.

5. Paths to multimedia immersion

Multimedia content is going to be a big trend in 2021, but you need to make sure that you give your users the choice.

Remove auto-play and other potentially annoying features, but give your users a simple and straightforward route to accessing this multimedia content.

Be clear in your signposting of this content, but provide an unobtrusive experience to your users.

Trends are interesting, but don’t let them dictate your designs.

The customer experience and your website’s unique identity should always be your priority.

Allow these web design ideas to inspire, but don’t be afraid to innovate when designing your site.

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