Project summary

Website: BIZC IT
Industry: Technology Services
Project Scope: Website design & build
Copywriting & image selection

The challenge

BIZC IT had previously tried to set up their website through the use of the theme and found they had spent a lot of time “trying to make it work” to no avail.

They also found it difficult to explain its service offering to potential clients and were referred to MyWebAdvantage to see if we could help them to achieve the website they really wanted.

After speaking to the team, we also uncovered that administrative tasks were taking focus and time away from direct client work.

The solution

By understanding the ethos of the company and staff at BIZC IT, we were able to define the branding feel for BIZC IT and design a website to represent the company.

The copy on the website was simplified and the core offering highlighted, to make it easier for website visitors to understand the key offering and pain points addressed by BIZC IT care packages.

The online shop provides customers with a set of pre elected hardware, giving clients the opportunity to learn about BIZC IT’s recommended product solutions.

The custom build of the website means it ranks highly on GTMetrix, with a flawless structure, 99% performance and an overall rating of A, keeping not only Google, but also BIZC IT current and potential clients, happy.

Entirely fitting for my business!

I like the overall look and feel. I especially like the footer on the home page. Very nice and entirely fitting for my business.

Nathan – BIZC IT